Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tomatoes galore

We have tomatoes going rotten on the ground we have so many, or we don't get to them quick enough to beat the little fruit fly (damn it!)...but I have been doing some really gorgeous things with them recently - I will have a few posts on tomatoes!
First, the best thing to do with abundant tomatoes, like those below (one pick mind you!) is to turn them into a concentrated puree. I decided to attempt to make my own tomato paste.
Incredible vivid red tomatoes with an even more rich flavour!
First I chopped up the tomaotes into rough quarters (ensuring that I threw away any that had grubs in them...a very disappointing process some days :()
Cut up and ready to go in the blender!
Then they are tumbled into the food processor and blitz to within an inch of their life. All you are left with is a runny tomatoe soup.
At this point you could turn it into gazpacho if you like, though I am not fond of cold soup, so haven't yet!
I then add the puree mixture to a pot and simmer on a low heat for about 40 - 60 minutes until it is thick and most of the liquid has been evaporated or absorbed. What you are left with is mainly seeds, but the heady tomatoe flavour of this delightful brew is incredible!
Soooo much better than any shop bought tomaote puree you could imagine!
I rather like this arty shot!


  1. Great blog - I'll try to check it out regularly as I'm also trying to use fresh-grown produce from the garden.

  2. lovely tomatoes!There really is nothing like growing your own food.I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this tomato widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about tomato,Thanks!

  3. It is great to grow your own veggies. I do the same but with store bought tomatoes.
